Dog Days Of Summer

Me (Spangler) going in the pool, on this hot and lazy day!
Every year this time the birds start gathering, I think they are getting ready for school. Soon the apples on my tree will be ready. I just love running after those birds this time of year in the yard and I have such a good time. I have one problem, maybe you do too? I have seasonal allergies in the fall, on my feet and belly. My vet say's I can't take medication, it will lower my threshold and I could have a seizure. So at night before bed, Mom wipes me down with baby wipes or grooming wipes. Boy do I hate those cold things, but I sleep good all night, with no itching. Can't that cold white thing be warmed up a little? Or she gives me a bath in natural oatmeal shampoo, now I like that! Then she puts aloe vera on me. Then the next morning I'm off and running, LOOKOUT birds!

If this helps you with seasonal allergies, just jump in and send me a message to let me know or share with your friends. Ahoy Mates!

If your interested in any of the products that my Mom uses, just click on the photo.   


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