Autism Signs in Spangler

I Have Side Effects Similar to Autism From Distemper

  • Repeated Motions (I spins around in circles when nervous) 
  • Avoiding eye contact or physical touch (Yes, I avoid strangers or people I have not seen in some time. Will not let anyone touch my front feet, not even Mom and Dad.
  • Sensitive to Sounds (If a strange dog barks at me, I will panic and start spinning or try and run away. Other sounds fascinate and can even stimulate me like a loud car, motorcycles, garbage trucks, and birds.
  • Eating foods with a certain texture or flavors ( That's why Mom make all of my food. Sorry, I have a hard time chewing. I eat mostly soft food, sometimes they find things I will eat, other times Mom and Dad have to keep offering it to me many times before I will eat it. Because of this my teeth get cleaned about once a year. That's so stressful for me! Last time I woke from having my teeth cleaned, I started screaming and I'm embarrassed to say, I messed in the crate. Our vet had to sedate me, I was so panicked.)

This is me (Spangler) eating a cucumber in the video, no I'm not choking. This is how I eat  after having canine distemper.

Physical Symptoms 

I had poor coordination, but with a lot of determination and practice I can go up and down steps, real fast. 

Yes I still has vision problems, I can't see things on the ground, but if a bird flies by me can see it! 

About a third of people with autism also have seizures, so do I (Spangler).


Vaccines didn't cause distemper, the lack of vaccines caused this in me. You may think to yourself, why do they need all those puppy boosters and shots? This is why, or it could have come from my mother that was sick with it, or even a sick animal could have passed it on to me.

Mom and Dad have been told by my vet to let me experience new things, but they don't want to stress me out too much. They work with me on many things that are normal for a dog to do, it just takes much longer for me to learn, but they continue to keep working with me . 

We are so proud of Spangler's hard work after having Canine Distemper she has Learned To Talk

The homemade food recipe we make for her can be found at 



  1. Maybe that's why she adored Austin so much....she found a kindred spirit.

    1. Maybe, I know your cat's didn't like her running after them much. But Spangler and Windy play like that all the time. Just today Windy came into the room crying, Spangler looked at her and ran as fast as she could after the cat. It's like they are playing tag and the cat is saying you can't get me!!!


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